Diwas Pandit asked a question

No, if three vectors do not lie in a plane, they cannot give zero resultant.


Let A, B and C be three vectors. If they give zero resultant, then


or, A= -(B+C)

Hence, they will produce zero resultant, if A is equal to negative of vector (B+C). The vector (B+C) lies in the plane of B and C. Hence, A will be equal to negative of (B+C) if AB and C all lie in a plane.

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Bijaya Rajbhandari asked a question

Water is a vital substance for life on Earth, and it plays numerous important biological roles in living organisms. Some of the key biological roles of water are:

  1. Universal solvent: Water is an excellent solvent for many substances, both organic and inorganic. This means that it can dissolve and transport a wide range of nutrients and minerals necessary for the growth and survival of living organisms.

  2. Medium for metabolic reactions: Many metabolic reactions in living organisms require water...

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Mousham khatiwada about 1 year ago
4 Claps
Rabin Kalikote

Happy Mother's Day, sir.

Bhawana Yadav asked a question

दाङ, नेपाल।

वरषीय सुशील भणडारीले आफनै गाउँमा सफलतापूरवक
सवचालित कार बनाएका छन ।दिएको जानकारी अनुसार
कारमा सुशीलले समाचार अधिकारीहरूलाई अनय कचचा
पदारथ जसता उपलबधयसको कषमता लगभग 15-20 किमी
/ घणटा छ। यो परियोजनाले उनलाई करिब रु.95,000
अवधि-चार महिना; भणडारी भनछन, ‘ किनन सकने गरी थप गरन
सकौं कम मूलयमा।”

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