Deekchya Pandit asked a question

Suicidal bag also known as lysosome is a cell organelle which are sphere shaped sacs filled with hydrolytic enzymes that have the capability to break down many types of biomolecules including the useful cells and materials that can derail the functioning of the cell . It mostly occurs in ageing, dead and diseased cells.

Lysosome is called as suicidal bag because it helps in the self-destruction of its cell, tissue or organs by releasing the lysosomal enzymes caused by rupturing of their...

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NANDANI KUMARI asked a question
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subash neupane asked a question

Hello Subash!

Here is the solution for the question you are asking for, I solved it in procedural way but if you are among the one who prefer OOP style then you can still ask it for me cause I have solved it from both methods but here I am just going to leave procedural one....

//author:Manish Acharya

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.*;

public class idgenerator {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String small_name="", long_name="", new_small_name="", new_long_name="";

char lr='a',...

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